So, recently I've been deciding what kind of comic I want to make. I really, REALLY want to get a comic published. Unfortunately, I was never taught how to do that process. Why did art school not have a business class?!?!
I think the idea was that after art school, we would branch off into grad school or a more focused art school but, heh, money. I always feel like I'm *just* at the finish line. Like, I know everything *except* that last step. I've always felt that way. Now I know how to draw and paint and talk to people, but marketing and business are the last step and I don't know this at all.
Anyway. Reason I say this is because I WAS working on a comic about all the situations and people I've witnessed or encountered while working at the park as a caricature artist. (moreso Cartoon Yourself artist, but it's still the same concept).
However, I figured nobody would be interested in it, and I also thought I could potentially get in trouble because I would be mentioning real people and real places. Even with names changed, anyone could go to the park and find the characters I'm talking about.
But then!
I posted this really quickly drawn comic on Twitter over the weekend. And. It. Got. Popular.
So many comments asked if it was real, what happened next, etc. So now I'm wondering... if people are actually interested.. should I keep going with this idea?
Maybe I can just make it a webcomic and go from there. Maybe I can just do stand-up and talk about my time.
Maybe just keep it as a zine.
Who knows!