Check it out! My first Storytime Animation.
Sure, I've made some short animations before about stuff but nothing like this. I've been wanting to make this sort of thing for awhile!
I think back in 2020, I was telling a friend online that I wanted to do storytime animations, and he called it a bad idea; saying it was "cringe" and whatever else, so I took his word for it and didn't. But the thought was always there. Eventually I accepted that I couldn't do them if I wanted to because I didn't have a proper animation program. Then I found out Clip Studio has animation! So I attempted some on my boyfriend's computer. Then I realized even if I made animations, I couldn't export them into a video editing program because I would have to pay for it. Then a friend showed me how to pirate! Then I found it difficult to share my boyfriend's computer since he needs it for work, too. So I stopped animations again. THEN for my birthday I got a Cintiq from my boyfriend as a surprise!
I spent an entire DAY working on this animation. Originally I gave myself two weeks but of course these two weeks were when I had something planned each day. So I waited until the very last day and guess what- it's finished! My entire plan this year in 2024 is to WORK TOWARDS MY PASSION. Try EVERYTHING. Go to cons, animations, get an agent! Publish! My biggest difficulty is confidence and deadlines, so I was able to squash both of those with this project. But it doesn't stop there! I know nobody reads these blogs, I know my animations won't get traction either, and even my Patreon just has a handful of friends... but as of right now I'm doing it for me. To see if I can do it! And if I get supporters along the way, then it's a bonus :)